
Aquapolymer Engineering company offers high-performance technological equipment for the construction of MakBox treatment plants and sewage pumping stations. We supply submersible pumps, shut-off valves, sewage systems for municipal, domestic and industrial wastewater treatmen:

  • OTT Group aeration systems,
  • Industrial plastic,
  • membrane compressors,
  • Duct blowers,
  • Grundfos sewage pumps,
  • Dreno sewage pumps,
  • Selcoperm electrolysis units.

There are household sewage systems for additional bathrooms and special water closets in  our catalog for elderly or people with disabilities. Our specialists will select equipment for specific tasks, depending on the volume of formation and treatment of sewage, which will satisfy in quality, configuration and price.

All equipment is provided with a quality certificate and warranty from the manufacturer, which is covered by service and post-warranty service.