The average cost of crayfish at the end of 2021 in Ukraine fluctuates from UAH 250 to UAH 350 per kilogram, which motivates many enterprising people to try theirselves at crustaceans fsarming. This business does not require large investments, but is associated with specific risks that can lead to losses. Rule No1: crayfish love clean water. Rule No 2: An optimal microclimate must be created for the rapid growth and reproduction of fish and crustaceans. Rule No 3: this business is easy to scale and organize in any volume.
To farm the fish and crayfish, the following main issues need to be addressed
- water body;
- young fish;
- feed;
- equipment.
The place of growing crayfish and fish can be natural (rivers, lakes, ponds) or artificial reservoirs (pools, tanks). Some novice entrepreneurs even use aquariums for this purpose, but there will be no good results from them. Here it is important to understand that in the case of farming crayfish in natural water bodies, the profitability of the business will be low, because in the winter crayfish go into hibernation, which causes individuals to grow and reproduce slowly. The growth and reproduction of fish will also slow down. Therefore, the cultivation of fish and crayfish on an industrial scale is better to organize in a stable microclimate, for which special modular tanks will be an excellent solution.
The process of growing crayfish begins with the purchase of females and males of the preferred species or catch from open water. The latter method is free, but not always justified. If you are serious, it is better to buy Australian, Cuban or marble crabs and farm one species that is better adapted to the climatic characteristics of the region.
In natural water bodies, crayfish feed on algae, insects, crustaceans and other organic inhabitants of fresh water. Crayfish are cannibals, so it is very important to feed the individuals so that they do not eat each other. You need to choose food that contains a lot of calcium, so necessary for the formation of the shell. The food is thrown into special cages – feeders 40 by 40 cm. If the water in the water body is heated above 7 degrees, meat and earthworms are gradually introduced into the diet. But do not overdo it with food, otherwise the water may bloom, which will require cleaning or replacement of fresh water.
To maintain an optimal microclimate in the winter, additional equipment is needed to maintain the required water temperature for stable growth of individuals (for crustaceans and fish). In winter, pools and tanks are usually covered and heated to speed up the growth process and increase the productivity of the offspring.
Modular tanks
Frame tanks for fish farming are an excellent solution for industrial fish and crayfish farming. They are strong and airtight prefabricated structures that can be installed indoors or outdoors. For crayfish and fish farming in the winter on the street tanks are insulated with a layer of insulating material and can be buried in the ground, which will ensure a stable temperature. In addition, the tanks can be equipped with a heating system, which will ensure the rapid growth and reproduction of individuals, and, accordingly, the financial return.
Frame tanks for fish farming are an excellent solution for industrial fish and crayfish farming. They are strong and airtight prefabricated structures that can be installed indoors or outdoors. For growing crayfish and fish farming in the winter on the street, tanks are insulated with a layer of insulating material and can be buried in the ground, which will ensure a stable temperature. In addition, the tanks can be equipped with a heating system, which will ensure the rapid growth and reproduction of individuals, and, accordingly, the financial return.
Aquapolymer Engineering
Aquapolymer Engineering company is one of the leaders in the Ukrainian market for the production of modular tanks. In our catalog the basic standard sizes of modular tanks are presented, using which it is possible to select the tank of necessary dimensions on height, diameter and volume.