Standards of maximum permissible discharges (MPD) of substances into water bodies with return waters

Order development of draft standards of maximum permissible discharges (MPD) In order to gradually achieve the environmental standard of water quality of water bodies, ie scientifically sound values ​​of pollutants and water quality indicators (general physical, biological, chemical, radiation) and sanitary and hygienic standards at the location of water supply and water use sources, to ensure environmental safety human life and aquatic ecosystems, achievement / maintenance of “good” ecological and chemical condition of surface water massifs, as well as “good” ecological potential of artificial or significantly changed surface water massifs are established standards of maximum permissible discharges (MPD) of pollutants.


Maximum permissible discharge (MPD) of a substance – an indicator of the maximum permissible unit of mass (mass) of a substance discharged with return waters into surface and sea water, which, taking into account the established restrictions on the discharge of this substance from other sources of pollution guarantees compliance with its content in specified control areas (points) of the water body.

Thus, the MPD values ​​of substances are determined and established, as a rule, for each of the set of discharges of return water associated with the unity of the water body (ie the basin principle), taking into account the optimal distribution of its assimilative capacity.


GDS standards for pollutants are set for water users who discharge return water into water datedbodies, in accordance with the list of pollutants, the discharge of which into water bodies is normalized in all cases of discharge of return water.

The procedure for developing standards for the maximum permissible discharge of pollutants into water bodies and the list of pollutants whose discharge into water bodies is regulated is approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated September 11, 1996 № 1100.

Development and substantiation of MPD standards for pollutants is carried out in the following sequence:

Stage 1. Acquaintance with a water management situation, reception of initial data

Stage 2. Legal and methodical substantiation of the scheme and model of calculation of standards of MPD of pollutants

Stage 3. Determination of design conditions and calculation of MPD standards of pollutants

Stage 4. Development of an action plan to achieve (compliance) with the standards of MPD pollutants

GDS standards are set at the same time as obtaining a permission for special water use.

Order development of draft standards of maximum permissible discharges (MPD)

We offer you to use the experience of our specialists in the development of standards for maximum permissible discharges of substances into water bodies for the timely receipt of permissive dovumentation. Call 0672458889.